Virginia Association of Agricultural Educators
FFA Board of Directors
The governing body of the organization shall be the State Board of Directors, which shall consist of the state FFA advisor, who shall serve as chairperson; one agricultural education instructor from each of the state FFA areas; one representative from the State FFA Advisory Council, one representative of the State FFA Foundation; and one representative of the State FFA Alumni Association. The state FFA executive director shall serve as ex-officio member of the State FFA Board of Directors. The duties of the State FFA Board of Directors shall include: interpret rules governing the activities of the state association, including the State FFA Convention; to have full power to prescribe new regulations that the board finds necessary in connection with the operation of the organization, including the State Convention; to interpret rules and regulations applicable to the convention; and to review recommendations from the State FFA Advisory Council and State FFA Executive Committee and take any action deemed appropriate. – Article XVII, Section A of the FFA Constitution
The agricultural education instructor representatives on the State Board of Directors shall be elected members of their professional organization in their respective area. The representative of the State FFA Advisory Council shall be appointed by the state advisor. The representative of the State FFA Foundation and the State FFA Alumni Association shall be elected or appointed from their respective organization. In the event an elected member of the State FFA Board of Directors is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, the elected alternate or other representative selected by that board member shall serve at that meeting. - Article IX - Section A
The term of service for the elected members of the State FFA Board of Directors shall begin on July 1 and continue for a four-year period. Article IX - Section B.
In the event a member of the State FFA Board of Directors cannot complete their term the state FFA advisor shall appoint a person to fill that position. Article IX - Section C.
Board Members:
LaVeta Nutter, Chair – VA Department of Education
Brian Alexander, Vice Chair – Advisory Council Representative
Alan Webb – Appalachian Area Representative
Cindy Vance- Blue Ridge Area Representative
Marc Moran – Central Area Representative
Kate Hawkins – Northern Area Representative
Ed McCann – Southeast Area Representative
Darryl Holland– South Ridge Area Representative
TBA – FFA Alumni Representative
Jennifer Armstrong – FFA Foundation Representative
Andy Seibel, Ex-Officio – Virginia FFA Executive Secretary