Virginia Association of Agricultural Educators
Advisory Council
The State FFA Advisory Council shall consist of two instructors of agricultural education from each FFA area in the state, two at-large agricultural education members, past State FFA President, and current President of the Virginia Association of Agricultural Educators; appointed annually by the state advisor. The duties of this council shall be to represent the FFA chapters and advisors in the areas on matters pertaining to the conduct of the entire program; to arbitrate conflicts at the area, federation and chapter level; to review State FFA Degree applications, Star FFA Degree Applications, Proficiency Award Applications, and National Chapter Award applications and make recommendations to the state advisor; to recommend changes, revisions and/or new rules and regulations to the State FFA Board of Directors and the state advisor; and to serve in any capacity in which it may be called upon by the state advisor. Article XIV of the FFA Constitution
Appalachian Area
Brian Alexander (2013-2019), Chairman
Phil McCroskey
Blue Ridge Area
Blair Hoffman​
Cole Ramsey
Central Area
Cindy Green
Marc Moran
Northern Area
Mary Hardesty
Sherry Heishman
Southeast Area
Casey Davis
Ed McCann, Jr.
South Ridge Area
Stuart Byrd
Daryll Holland
At Large
Jennie Simmons
Russell Jennings
FFA Executive Director
Andy Seibel
Past State FFA President
Ethan Jackson
Foundation Chair
Chris Adkins
Foundation Executive Director
Jennifer Armstrong
VDOE Agricultural Education Specialist
LaVeta Nutter
VAAE Executive Director
Andy Seibel & Dan Swafford
FFA Alumni Chair
Virginia Tech
Dr. Ed Jones
VAAE President
Teresa Lindberg
To submit a question, comment or concern to the FFA Advisory Council please CLICK HERE. All concerns will be address at Advisory council Meetings.